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- Гражданская активность | Tochka
Civic activism CIVIL ACTIVITY. These are volunteer activities, assistance in organizing events in museums, theaters, libraries, centers of additional education. The study and protection of nature and wildlife, acquaintance with the native land. This is new knowledge about the history of the Republic of Belarus, about the exploits Heroes of the country, participation in meetings with veterans, assistance to the elderly and the disabled. Organization of sports and educational events.
- Информационно - медийная деятельность | Tochka
Information and media activities INFORMATION AND MEDIA DIRECTION. Each student will be able to try himself in work with the media as young bloggers, TV presenters and correspondents. They are engaged in the creation and placement of posts on social networks about the activities of the club.
- МЫС DIVO | Tochka
МЫС DIVO Школьный оздоровительный лагерь с дневным пребыванием Телефон +37517 364 90 50 Эл. почта sch121@minsk.edu.by Адрес: 220086 , г.Минск, ул. Калиновского 5 "МЫС DIVO" - это детско-молодежный летний лагерь с уникальной программой. Не у каждого родителя есть возможность отправить ребенка в лагерь на все лето, чтобы он там всесторонне развивался и проявлял себя. Поэтому команда учреждения образования разработала программу, которая поможет детям провести каникулы со смыслом, даже если они остаются в городе. Присоединяйтесь! Найти себя и самореализоваться! В летней программе лагеря "МЫС DIVO" много игр и занятий, которые помогают детям и подросткам понять, кто они и кем могут стать, — и выбрать, чем хочется заняться сейчас или в будущем. Деятельность лагеря направлена на воспитание детей и подростков, развитие детей на основе их интересов и потребностей, а также организацию их досуга в летний период. «МЫС DIVO» предоставляет обучающимся возможность выбрать несколько направлений деятельности: «Личностное развитие», «Военно-патриотическое направление», «Гражданская активность» и «Информационно-медийное направление». Содержание направлений в оздоровительном лагере следующее. ЛИЧНОСТНОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ВОЕННО-ПАТРИОТИЧЕСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ. ГРАЖДАНСКАЯ АКТИВНОСТЬ ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-МЕДИЙНОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ 1. Творческое развитие – воспитанник оздоровительного лагеря может реализовать себя в различных видах творчества: живописи, актёрском мастерстве, танцах и вокале, игре в КВН, декоративно-прикладном творчестве, стать организатором творческих фестивалей, конкурсов, акций и флешмобов. 2. Популяризация здорового образа жизни. В этом направлении воспитаннику оздоровительного лагеря предстоит активно заниматься физической культурой и спортом, быть участником туристических походов и слетов. 3. «Профнавигатор» – это встречи с мастерами и профессионалами своего дела, участие в фестивалях научно-технического творчества, знакомство с деятельностью предприятий и заводов. Воспитанники оздоровительного лагеря смогут проявить себя в данном направлении, которое предполагает занятия на базе военной части 3214, участие в военно-патриотических играх, сборах, соревнованиях и акциях, фестивалях. Это занятия волонтерской деятельностью, помощь в организации мероприятий в музеях, театрах, библиотеках, центрах дополнительного образования. Изучение и охрана природы и животного мира, знакомство с родным краем. Это новые знания об истории Республики Беларусь, о подвигах Героев страны, участие во встречах с ветеранами, помощь людям пожилого возраста и инвалидам. Организация спортивных и образовательных мероприятий. Каждый воспитанник оздоровительного лагеря сможет попробовать себя в работе со средствами массовой информации в качестве юных блогеров, телеведущих и корреспондентов. Они занимаются созданием и размещением постов в социальных сетях о деятельности лагеря Следует отметить, что у каждого воспитанника оздоровительного лагеря «МЫС DIVO» есть возможность вступить в клуб «DIVO», выбрать направление по душе, и работать именно в нем. Ребята могут познакомиться со своими сверстниками Турции, Италии и России. Развитие фестивального движения. #МЫВместе Фестиваль объединяет воспитанников, занимающихся волонтерской деятельностью совместно с ОО «БРПО» и «БРСМ» «#МЫВместе» – первая масштабная волонтёрская встреча, которая проводится в оздоровительном лагере. Благодаря таким мероприятиям становится ясно, что молодые люди небезразличны к своему будущему, очень заинтересованы в волонтерской деятельности, делают это абсолютно искренне и по-доброму. О нас THIS IS A GREAT PLACE FOR YOUR TAGLINE. Tell your visitors your story. Add catchy text to describe what you do, and what you have to offer. The right words can inspire and intrigue your audience, so they’re ready to take action on your site. To start telling your story, double click or click Edit Text. Book a place >
- учителя | Tochka
Starting point for teachers The success of a student largely depends on the professional level of teachers and their targeted work on the social adaptation of adolescents and students. The teacher must possess a number of key competencies aimed at personal self-determination, value-semantic orientation of students and moral and ethical assessment, meaning formation and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. During the implementation of the project, the following tasks will be solved: to develop in teachers the motivation for a conscious desire to achieve success in their professional activities; determine the conditions that will facilitate the implementation of their successful activities; introduce the methods of group work (offline and online) for use in practical activities. How a novice teacher to join the work and not go crazy It is easy to confuse a novice teacher: unpleasant words from students, poor current grades that lead to a quarter deuce in part of the class, or not the most successful relationships with new colleagues. Every young teacher strategies are needed to deal with such situations. Flexibility and the ability to overcome obstacles are key skills for an aspiring teacher. Roses and thorns When tensions rise in the classroom, whether it be due to conflict between students or misunderstandings between teacher and class, the teacher's stress level starts to skyrocket. In such a situation, I resort to the “Roses and Thorns” tactic (the name I came up with myself): it is both a preventive measure and a way to come to an understanding and resolve the conflict. I invite students to write down the positives (“roses”) and the negatives (“thorns”) on a piece of paper over the past week. After that, we have a discussion with them, starting with a discussion of "thorns". Students often talk about problems inside and outside the classroom or in the family. I suggest that classmates, after each student's story, ask them questions about the problem, give sympathetic comments, or give advice on how to solve the problem. I make notes on which student should be given more attention. When students begin to freely discuss their problems, I step aside and become an observer. Sometimes I have to give advice: when students do not feel confident about a problem or when time for discussion is limited. I listen carefully to their concerns and concerns and invite them to consider several options. Of course, I don’t always manage to give exactly what they ask for, but I try to help them find the answer on their own and overcome the problem. When conflict occurs between two students, I try to give them the freedom to solve the problem on their own. However, if it comes to the fact that student A is offended or insulted by student B, I intervene: I will talk with A about how he feels and what B should do in order for him to forgive him. Sometimes this is enough to solve the problem; however, there are situations when it is necessary to resort to the help of a school psychologist and a deputy for educational work. We always end discussions with "roses" - the positive moments of the week in and out of the classroom. Children's messages about sports victories, excellent grades or a wonderful picnic trip with the family allows us all to take our minds off the stress that we have all experienced over the past week and the difficulties that each student has faced. Problems with grades Last year, one of my tests resulted in a resounding two-point average. Something was clearly wrong with the assignment instructions, my grades, or the preparation of the children for the test. The first step was to identify the reasons for this failure - it would be illogical and inefficient to redo the entire test and run it again without identifying the key problem. The test included various types of tasks: multiple choice tasks, short answer tasks and detailed analytical answers on problems. It turned out that the greatest difficulties for children arose when working with the text in the third section. I have redesigned my lessons so that students can practice this skill more. After that, I changed the wording in the test, and also spoke honestly with the children that my expectations from their success were clearly too high and I would redo the system for grading their work. We have highlighted part of the lesson so that I can explain to them the requirements for completing this block of tasks, and how I will evaluate it. After that, I answered the questions that the children had. The assessment criteria I revised and the task reworked in the test showed me that the children have the necessary skills and can complete this task to the fullest. starting point Passionate teachers are a real joy for the school. They bring innovation, offer new teaching methods. However, it is very difficult to find a common language with such teachers. To connect with them (and them with us) and come to an understanding after heated discussions or arguments during meetings and briefings, our school has implemented a strategy called "Starting Point". We start school meetings with the formulation of goals that we want to achieve in order to be as productive as possible. Goals should be simple, reasonable, and focused on student achievement. We write them down on a board that we place in the center of the meeting. After each discussion, we return to the starting point: what goals does our discussion solve? "Starting point" is a great way to resolve conflict between teachers: when the conversation between them heats up, one of the teachers intervenes and clarifies: "What is the purpose of the meeting for your dispute?" (Sounds like a technique for working with children, right?). If their discussion is about the goal, then such a question will allow them to cool their ardor. However, if the teachers get carried away and wander off the topic, the question will bring them back to discussing the meaningful goals of the meeting and forget about the conflict. Every teacher needs to develop flexibility and the ability to solve problems effectively throughout their career. We do a lot of creative and inspiring academic work, but we must not forget the social and emotional development of our students. Students, seeing our desire and ability to overcome difficulties, will take us as role models, which will allow them to become better people, and together with them - to create a strong community in the classroom and school.
- Школа МИРА | Tochka
PEACE School teaching staff State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 121 city of Minsk" purposeful work is carried out in the spirit of peace, justice, mutual understanding of friendship and unity of peoples, universal respect for human rights and freedom in such areas as public diplomacy, memory, care and mercy, peace through culture, young peacemaker, common cause. Создана первичная организация Школа мира – особый статус. Это накладывает на педагогический и ученический коллективы дополнительные обязанности: быть примером для всех и во всем; реализация программ миротворческой деятельности. Проект «Сеть Школ мира в Республике Беларусь» — инновационная форма внеклассной и внешкольной работы учреждения. Организатором Проекта выступает ОО «Белорусский фонд мира» при поддержке Министерства образования Республики Беларусь. Целью Проекта является содействие воспитанию детей и молодежи на принципах мира, дружбы, взаимопонимания и согласия, уважительного отношения к национальным традициям и религиозным особенностям других народов, проживающих в нашей стране, пропаганда национальной идеологии, общечеловеческих, семейных, духовных, нравственных и патриотических ценностей, здорового образа жизни, укрепление единства белорусского общества, оказание поддержки государству в решении социальных задач. Анонс мероприятий: 9 сентября 2022г. образцовый хореографический ансамбль «Сузор’е» принял участие в открытии чемпионата Республики Беларусь по легкой атлетике в рамках турнира «Мы вместе. Спорт» среди инвалидов с нарушениями зрения и опорно-двигательного аппарата. Так же воспитанники коллектива сопровождали участников турнира, принимали участие в награждении. «Мир в душе – мир в стране!» 28 сентября 2022 года в Национальной библиотеке Республики Беларусь проходило награждение победителей Республиканского конкурса «Мир в душе – мир в стране!». Открыли концертную программу учащиеся образцового хореографического коллектива «Сузор’е» и школьного театра литературно-музыкальной композицией «Моя Беларусь!» II Молодежного фестиваля «Звон міру» Гостями фестиваля стали 170 миротворцев из г.Минска и регионов Республики Беларусь. Вот в такой компании и теплой атмосфере мы открыли наш фестиваль На открытии фестиваля присутствовали гости: член Правления Белорусской Ассоциации клубов ЮНЕСКО Кашперко Елена Андреевна, председатель Минского городского отделения «Белорусский фонд мира» Карань Дмитрий Дмитриевич, начальник центра идеологической, воспитательной и социальной работы Захожая Нина Николаевна, начальник управления идеологической и воспитательной работы Карпушева Наталья Михайловна Работа площадок направлена на развитие творческого и лидерского потенциала молодежи через углубление их знаний о ЦУР, деятельности ООН и БелАЮ посредством создания условий для приобретения навыков эффективного и бесконфликтного общения. «Вместе мы едины. Геноцид не имеет срока давности» Государственное учреждение образования «Минский городской институт развития образования», ресурсный центр «Идеологическая работа. Волонтерская деятельность» средней школы №121 г.Минска имени М.Ф.Егорова, 17 сентября 2022 года провели диалоговую ONLINE- площадку школьников «Вместе мы едины. Геноцид не имеет срока давности». Участниками стали более 1000 учащихся учреждений образования г. Минска, регионов Республики Беларусь, Казани и Санкт-Петербурга.
- Уголок правовых знаний | Tochka
Legal Knowledge Corner Today Much attention is paid to legal education, which, first of all, is aimed at deepening the knowledge of children about human rights, cultivating respect for human rights and freedoms. Therefore, much attention is paid to the preference for visual information - the design of thematic stands and exhibitions, which are located throughout the institution. All stands are in the zone of active access for minors and their legal representatives. Visual and information stands have great potential for education and providing practical assistance to all participants in the educational process on issues of moral and legal education. Сценарий "Один дома" Сценарий «Уголок правовых знаний» Do you want to know more? Нажми на меня!
- ПУть к успеху | Tochka
Way to success! Purpose: creation of conditions for the formation of a morally mature personality of a leader through the socialization of the younger generation Tasks: 1. To form the ability to work in a team. 2. Raise a sense of pride in your country. 3. To teach how to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life. 4. Form a desire for a healthy lifestyle (psychological and physiological) Forms of work: trainings, quests, role-playing games, presentations, projects, etc. Motivation: based on the results of the work, the best participants receive certificates of completion of the course, following which the guys can conduct elements of classes on the basis of their institutions (classes, groups). New groups for communication. Opportunity to realize yourself. Get one step up in your personal success. Learn how to work as a team and say no. Showcase your leadership skills Venue: st. Slobodskaya, 169, secondary school No. 161 (rooms according to the plan) Participants: teenagers from 12 years old and older (Minsk) In the period from 11.06 to 22.06.2020 / in the period from 19.08 to 30.08.2020 Exemplary program: lesson with elements of the training “We are a team”; intellectual-legal quest, cognitive-game program "Ladder of Health" with the involvement of MSMU students, a lesson with elements of the training "On the Path to Success" with the involvement of specialists from BelAU, forum-theater / role-playing game "Which?" (topics: discrimination, stereotypical thinking, stigmatization) with the involvement of UNICEF specialists; the game "Flying in a balloon" with the aim of teaching constructive communication skills; lesson with elements of the training “Ideal leader”; “TeamBuilding” lesson (training for building a team, identifying a leader) with the involvement of UNICEF specialists and others.
- БРПО | Tochka
Together with RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" Functional responsibilities asset of the primary organization of a public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" Sector of volunteer work • provides assistance to veterans, lonely elderly people and the disabled; • organizes charity events at the school; Health and sports sector • responsible for organizing and holding sports competitions; • organizes tourist trips; • forms a primary team for participation in competitions; Sector of design work • responsible for publishing newspapers; • together with the information sector is responsible for the design of the stands of the primary organization; • creates operational teams to perform temporary tasks of the primary organization; Sector of patronage relations • attracts members of the primary organization to cooperate with other preschools in the school, district, city, republic; • organizes joint events with other preschool educational institutions at the school; Sector of culture and creativity • organizes competitions, quizzes and other events in the primary organization; • assists in holding school-wide and district events; • organizes days of creativity, mass performances, meetings. Information sector • informs the primary organization about the activities of other primary organizations, district and central Councils of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union; • draws up stands of the primary organization as needed. Legal Knowledge Sector • studies the regulatory framework of the organization; • conducts work with the new members to study the regulatory documents of the organization; Labor Affairs Sector • organizes self-service work; • responsible for work in the work area; • organizes raids and carries out socially useful work in the classroom, school; • organizes assistance to the school administration in school duty. TO BECOME A MEMBER OF NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" YOU NEED: Fill out an application for membership (in the prescribed form) Pay a membership fee of: - introductory: 5.00 rubles - periodic: 2.00 rubles One photo (3x4 cm) One electronic photo
- Родительская энциклопедия | Tochka
Parent Encyclopedia From childhood, children need to be instilled with knowledge about the law, about the inevitability of responsibility for violating legal norms. To do this, parents themselves must know and comply with the law. Legal education of adolescents must begin with the legal education of parents. Without appropriate legal knowledge, legal and pedagogical culture of parents, it is quite difficult to instill in children respect for the rules of law in force in our society. The educational institution held a conference for the parent community on the topic "Encouragement and punishment in the upbringing of children." This form of work made it possible to help parents understand the need for cooperation between the educational institution and the family, to jointly discuss and visually see information forms, methods and techniques of interaction with children. Parent conferences: "Reward and Punishment in Education" children" "Civil position of parents and how it affects the child?" "You are in charge of your life" One of the innovative forms of work with parents was the organization of creative workshops, in which teachers, students and parents take part. The idea of creating a creative workshop called “Windows to the world of a child” arose. At meetings where parents communicate with their children, teachers and with each other, they receive the necessary knowledge, skills in the upbringing and development of children. The creative process stimulates the child, develops communication skills, passive and active vocabulary of children, reveals the creative potential of not only the child, but the whole family. Parents get the opportunity to work together with the child, as a result of which common interests appear, the child and the parent reach mutual understanding and become closer to each other Particularly successful are sessions with parents “Discussion seesaw” (the method of persuasion is designed to involve participants in an exchange of views on problems). The use of this method is necessary, since important qualities of a parent are born and honed in disputes, the ability to defend one's views, to argue one's own point of view and, finally, the courage to admit the fallacy of previous statements about raising children Parent workshops: "The Secret World of a Teenager" "Divorce. How does this affect your child? “Life hacks will not help in raising a child” Within the framework of the project, a motivational training “My Epic Fail” is being developed on the topic “Parents about what failures taught them”. Participants of the training will learn how to “stand on the path of success in raising a child” and follow it to the end. Of course, about the fact that obstacles may arise along the way, conditions change, and old goals and completely fade into the background, usually they are silent. But in fact, not everything depends on us, and periodic defeats are an inevitable and even important part of the process of education. Parents will tell each other about their failures and what they led to. The monitoring of parental potential allows involve parents in organizing and preparing activities within the framework of the project for other parents. Conducting discussion swings for legal representatives of students “My epic fail”: parents about what they learned from failure
- ESPAD | Tochka
Comparative diagnostics of adolescents in Minsk using the ESPAD method at interaction of commissions on juvenile affairs administrations of Pervomaisky and Moskovsky districts Anonymous surveys of various organized groups of the population, including students, are among the effective methods for obtaining a quantitative characteristic of the prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances (PSA), including drugs. Research on student sampling and use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is being conducted in many countries. Such studies are important because they provide information about the extent to which the use of various drugs among school-age students, as well as the availability of drugs for adolescents. In the city of Minsk in 2019, 2020 and 2021, in accordance with the methodology of the European School Survey Projecton Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD), the prevalence of substance use among adolescents was studied using the anonymous questionnaire method. The main objective of the study was to ensure the comparability of the collected data. Research in Pervomaisky and Moscow districts were carried out in the form of surveys of students of the same age, in the same period of time, using the same methodology and a standard questionnaire, identical for all participants. Conducting such a sociological study among adolescents receiving general secondary education will help determine the correlation between the direction of education received and the formation of the attitude of adolescents to the problem of drug and psychoactive substance use, to promote the development and implementation of preventive measures. The ESPAD methodological approaches were used as the basis for the development of the project "Legal platform "Tochka": socialization of children and adolescents, support for parents, innovations of teachers" The 2021 study allows monitoring the habits of schoolchildren to use alcohol, tobacco and drugs and track the dynamics for 2019-2021. The guiding principle of research was the collection of comparable information on the use and samples of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs using an anonymous survey of students aged 15-16 years of general secondary education according to a standard questionnaire. The purpose of the work is to study the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other PAF use among students in Pervomaisky and Moskovsky districts. Results of the study in 2021 Prevalence of PAS use among students of Pervomaisky and Moskovsky districts. In 2021, 94 classes of secondary schools, mostly teenagers born in 2005-2007, took part in an anonymous survey. Questionnaires of adolescents born in 2005 and 2007, as well as students who did not indicate under, were not entered into the electronic database. The electronic database also did not include the answers of respondents who answered the questions of the questionnaire obviously not seriously, pointing to samples of almost all PAS many times in their lives and over the past 30 days, or demonstrating a model of “arbitrary” filling out the questionnaire, when the answers were put into cells randomly. In the final database (after selection and coding of questionnaires) 1,393 questionnaires of students born in 2003 were left. Of these, boys - 646 (46.40%), girls - 747 (53.60%). smoking cigarettes As a result of the study, it was found that cigarette smoking is quite widespread among high school students in Pervomaisky and Moskovsky districts. To the question “How many times in your life (if any) have you smoked cigarettes?” in 2019, the majority of students (37%) answered that they did not smoke at all, 5% of respondents indicated that they had already smoked 10 times or more, 17% of respondents admitted that they had smoked 40 or more times (Table 1). Comparison of the results of studies of three years shows a trend towards a decrease in the interest of young people in smoking. The number of regular smokers has decreased (40 times or more during a lifetime): from 17% in 2019 and 2019 to 9% in 2021. The number of occasional smokers also decreased (from 5% in 2019 to 3% in 2021) Table 1 Respondents' answers to the question "How many times in your life have you smoked cigarettes?" (%) An analysis of the prevalence of smoking among girls and boys showed that there is still a trend towards higher rates of smoking among boys. It is important to note that the frequency of lifetime smoking among girls in 2019 is declining at a higher rate than among boys compared to 2019 (by 15.2% among girls, by 10.7% among boys). However, in 2020, the number of boys who smoke regularly decreased by about half compared to 2019, while the number of girls who smoke regularly decreased slightly. Thus, in 2021, 12.4% of boys and 7% of girls smoked regularly (40 times or more) (against 22.2% and 9.1%, respectively, in 2019). The prevalence of smoking among adolescents is influenced by the availability of cigarettes. Comparison of the results of three studies confirms the decrease in the availability of cigarettes for adolescents. (Table 2). Thus, in 2021, 17% of respondents indicated that it is “quite easy” and “very easy” for them to get cigarettes (against 39% in 2017). The fact that it is impossible or difficult to get cigarettes was reported by 42% of students in 2021 (against 24% in 2019). Recently, smoking electronic cigarettes has become increasingly popular among young people. According to the results of the 2021 study, 64.9% of respondents have never tried e-cigarettes in their lifetime. At the same time, 5.3% of adolescents smoke them regularly, and about 30% - occasionally. So, in 2021, with a general trend towards a decrease in interest in smoking among both girls and boys, the prevalence of cigarette smoking among the surveyed high school students is quite high (9% of adolescents smoke regularly and 35% occasionally). In addition, every third teenager smokes electronic cigarettes from time to time, and 5.3% of students smoke them regularly. Drinking alcoholic beverages The use of alcoholic beverages is widespread among the study population (Table 2). In 2021, only a fifth of the respondents have never tasted alcohol in their lives, over the past month they have consumed alcohol at least once - 25% of respondents, and over the past year at least once - 62% of students. table 2 Frequency of drinking any alcoholic beverage in 2021 (%) Comparison of the results of three studies (2019, 2020, 2021) reveals a trend towards a significant decrease in the consumption of alcoholic beverages throughout life (Table 5). Thus, in 2021, 21.3% of students indicated that they had never consumed alcohol during their lives, which is twice as many as in 2020. .1% in 2020 to 6.5% in 2019). As for alcohol consumption in the last 30 days, in 2021 a quarter of the respondents drank alcohol at least once (in 2020 - about half of the respondents), and 6.6% drank alcohol regularly (in 2020 -15.1 %). An analysis of the results of three studies on alcohol consumption by gender showed that in 2021, with an overall significant decrease in alcohol consumption by students in the month preceding the study, girls' drinking rates approached those of boys (over the past 30 days, 7 .1% of boys and 6.3% of girls, and at least once - 25.3% of boys and 24.9% of girls) To understand the severity of the problem of alcohol consumption by adolescents, it is necessary to study not only the frequency, but also the structure of the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the students surveyed. As can be seen from the results shown in Table 3, in 2021, against the background of a general decrease in alcohol consumption, there is also a decrease in the addiction of adolescents to beer, carbonated drinks with alcohol content, wine and spirits. Thus, the regular consumption of beer in 2019 decreased by about 2 times compared to 2019, and strong drinks - by half. However, the consumption of champagne at least once during the last 30 days has slightly increased (22% in 2021 vs. 18.5% in 2020 and 16.1% in 2019). Regular consumption of champagne over the past 30 days has remained virtually unchanged since 2019. Table 3 Use of the main types of alcoholic beverages in the last 30 days in 2019 , 2020 and 2021 (%) When studying the characteristics of the use of alcoholic beverages over the past 30 days depending on gender (Table 8), it can be seen that in 2021, wine and champagne are in first place in popularity among girls (about 23% of the girls surveyed used these drinks, at least once). It is noticeable that the consumption of champagne by girls over the past 30 days has been increasing year by year (from 18.1% in 2019 to 23.1% in 2021), while the consumption of wine has been decreasing (from 30.7% in 2019 - up to 22.6% in 2021). On the other hand, in 2019, the consumption of beer by girls decreased by more than three times compared to 2017 and 2018, and their consumption of strong alcohol also decreased by about three times. For boys, beer is in first place in popularity, however, the percentage of its consumption in 2019 decreased significantly (22.2% in 2021 against 47.9% in 2020 and 54.6% in 2019). In second place is champagne, the use of which by boys, as well as girls, is gradually growing year by year (14.4% in 2019, 15.6% in 2020 and 20.6% in 2021). The use of wine and carbonated alcoholic beverages in 2021 was 15% for boys each. Boys’ use of hard alcohol at least once in the past 30 days has been roughly halved compared to 2019. Table 8 Consumption of major types of alcoholic beverages last 30 days by gender in 2019 , 2020 and 2021 (%) This study also allows us to trace the characteristics of the use of alcoholic beverages depending on the age of students. In 2021, a general trend should be noted towards a decrease in the number of first samples of all types of alcoholic beverages by adolescents under 13 years of age (Table 9). Thus, the percentage of first tastes of beer by students under the age of 13 has significantly decreased (from 51.5% in 2019 to 37.6% in 2021). The same applies to the consumption of alcoholic carbonated and strong drinks, the percentage of first samples of which has decreased by 2 times compared to 2019. The age of the peak of the first samples of all alcoholic drinks basically remains throughout all the studied periods, with the exception of the peak of the first samples of champagne, which teenagers have become try at 14 years old (in 2019 - at 12 years old). For the first time, children, as a rule, try champagne at home in the presence of their parents. Table 9 Age characteristics of students drinking alcohol (%) in 2019 , 2020 and 2021 Information on how difficult it was for students to obtain various alcoholic beverages is shown in Table 10. Judging by the answers to the question posed, in 2021, about a third of respondents (about 30%) do not know how difficult or easy it would be for them to purchase any of the alcoholic beverages. About 20% consider it impossible to purchase all types of alcohol, with the exception of strong alcohol (it is impossible for 35% of respondents to purchase it). At the same time, 26% of respondents think that they can easily get beer, 27% - champagne, 21% - wine, 13% - spirits, and 38% - carbonated alcoholic drinks. Comparative data from three studies show a downward trend in the availability of alcohol for adolescents. So, in 2019, it was easy for every second student (49%) to get beer, in 2020 the situation did not change much (46%), and in 2021, only 27% of respondents indicated that it was easy for them to get beer. The same applies to carbonated alcoholic beverages: in 2019, 59% of respondents could easily get them, in 2020 - 55%, in 2021 - 38%. Over the past five years, the number of respondents who indicated the possibility of easy purchase of champagne has noticeably decreased - by 11%, wine - by 8%, strong drinks - by 7%. Table 10 Respondents' answers to the question "How difficult would it be for you if you want to get the following alcoholic drinks? (%) Thus, we can note the most significant observations regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the students surveyed in 2019: - 78.7% have tried alcohol at least once in their lives (in 2021 - 89.3%, in 2019 - 86%); - regularly (40 times more during their lifetime) drink alcohol 6.5% against 17.1% in 2018 and 16.0% in 2019; - regular alcohol consumption (40 or more times in a lifetime) is slightly higher among boys (7.4%) than among girls (5.7%); - alcohol consumption by girls over the past 30 days approached that of boys (during the specified period, 7.1% of boys and 6.3% of girls drank at least three times, and 25.3% of boys and 24 9% girls); - the structure of regular (3 or more times in the last 30 days) consumption of alcoholic beverages: for boys, beer is in first place in popularity, followed by wine and carbonated drinks; for girls - champagne and wine. In addition, the number of students who regularly consume strong alcoholic beverages has significantly (by 2 times) decreased - this applies to both boys and girls. In general, despite the dynamics of the decrease in alcohol consumption observed in 2021, the prevalence of alcohol consumption among students aged 15-16 is currently still at a high level and the severity of the problem is still high. Samples of drugs and non-narcotic psychoactive substances Two-thirds of the respondents not only differentiate between different types of drugs, but also determine the potential for obtaining them. The vast majority of students consider all types of PAS listed in Table 11 to be very difficult to obtain, and every fourth respondent found it difficult to determine the possibility of obtaining each specific drug. According to the students, it would be easiest for them to get smoking mixtures (7%) and inhalants (14%). At the same time, 4% of respondents reported that it is not difficult for them to get cannabis preparations. The results of the study showed that the percentage of drug samples by all students decreased significantly (4.9% in 2021 vs. 7.2% in 2019) - Table 11. At the same time, drug use by boys decreased by about a third (6.7% in 2021 vs. 10.5% in 2019), while drug use by girls remained at the same level. Table 11 Respondents' answers to the question "How difficult would it be for you to obtain the substances listed below" (%) Table 11(a) Lifetime trials of any drug (%) The structure of narcotic substances and other PAS consumed by the students surveyed is presented in Table 12. When analyzing the structure of drug consumption, the highest proportion of samples belongs to cannabis preparations, which 4.9% of the respondents tried at least once during their lives. Among them, a small number (0.5%) use marijuana and hashish regularly. In second place in terms of student use in 2019 are relatively new types of drugs - smoking mixtures ("spice", "mixes"). Their use was indicated by 2.5% of respondents. Teen interest in smoking blends in 2019 and 2021 has not been studied. The use of inhalants, as well as tranquilizers and sedatives without a doctor's prescription, is considered separately from drug use. In 2021, the use of tranquilizers remained almost the same (compared to 2019 and 2020), while the use of inhalants increased slightly (from 5.3% in 2019 to 7.8% in 2021). Table 12 Lifetime drug and other substance use (%) With a decrease in the use of drugs by all students, there are significant differences in the use of drugs by boys and girls. Data on the use of drugs and other substances depending on the gender of students are presented in Table 13. Thus, while the use of cannabis preparations by boys was halved (from 10% in 2019 to 5.4% in 2021), the use of cannabis preparations by girls practically did not change (3.1% in 2019 and 3.4 % in 2021). Despite the fact that 5.4% of boys and 3.4% of girls use cannabis preparations in 2021, boys and girls use smoking mixtures (“spice”, “mixes”) at approximately the same level (2.6%, 2. 4% respectively). In addition, in 2021, girls show a greater propensity to use inhalants (9.2% in 2021 vs. 5% in 2019) than boys (6% and 5.6%, respectively). Table 13 Drug and other substance use by gender (%) It is important to study the causes of drug use by adolescents. As shown in Table 14, the vast majority of respondents (95%) have never used drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy or amphetamines. The remaining 5% of students, having experience with the use of these surfactants, named curiosity as the main reason for their trials (2.5%). The desire to get pleasant sensations was reported by 1% of respondents. Tables 14 Reasons for trying drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy or smoking blends (%) An analysis of the results of three studies shows that for the period from 2019 to 2021. the causes of drug use by adolescents did not change significantly. Attention should be paid to the following aspects of the problem of psychoactive substance use among adolescents in 2019, including gender: - the percentage of samples of any drugs by all students decreased (4.9% in 2021 against 7.2% in 2019). At the same time, drug use by boys has decreased by about a third (6.7% in 2021 versus 10.5% in 2019), while drug use by girls has remained at the same level; - The most readily available PAS for adolescents are inhalants (14%), smoking mixtures (7%) and cannabis preparations (4%), and their use was reported in 2021 by 7.8%, 2.5% and 4, respectively. 9% of all respondents; - inhalant use by all students increased slightly (from 5.3% in 2019 to 7.8% in 2021). At the same time, girls show a greater propensity to use inhalants (9.2% in 2021 versus 5% in 2019) than boys (6% and 5.6%, respectively); - while the use of cannabis preparations by boys was halved (from 10% in 2019 to 5.4% in 2021), the use of cannabis preparations by girls remained practically unchanged (3.1% in 2019 and 3.4% in 2021).; - smoking mixtures (“spice”, “mixes”) are used by boys and girls at approximately the same level (2.6%, 2.4%, respectively). It is also important to assess students' potential risks of using tobacco, alcohol and drugs (Table 15). Samples of the drugs listed in the table were rated as extremely risky by about half of the respondents. And the greatest risks, according to students, are associated with the regular use of smoking mixtures (indicated by 78% of respondents), cannabis preparations (76%), ecstasy and amphetamines (72% each), as well as daily consumption of 4-5 servings of alcohol (72%) . Only every tenth student associates a sometimes smoked cigarette with a huge risk, and half of the respondents - with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. In general, despite the dynamics of the decrease in alcohol consumption observed in 2021, the prevalence of alcohol consumption among students aged 15-16 is currently still at a high level and the severity of the problem is still high. Table 15 Respondents' answers to the question "How much do you think people RISK to harm themselves (physically or otherwise) if they...?" (%) Conclusion Thus, using the anonymous questionnaire method, which is very informative for assessing and monitoring the prevalence of psychoactive substance use among students, such important parameters as the proportion of “tasters” taking into account gender and the specific structure of substances consumed have been identified. This made it possible to assess the situation with the consumption of psychoactive substances among young students aged 15-16 years. In addition to information on the prevalence of substance use among students, this report (section "Student Responses to the Questionnaire") also contains information on many other important aspects of the life of 15-16-year-olds. The results obtained can be used as the basis for recommendations on primary prevention of substance use and prevention of risky behavior among adolescents and young people. They need to be taken into account when developing programs, as well as for comparative analysis in the course of further research. When developing recommendations to counteract the spread of psychoactive substance use among young people, as well as when organizing classroom and extracurricular activities, local educators should pay close attention to the gender aspects of substance use among adolescents. The high rates of smoking cigarettes (including electronic ones) and alcohol consumption by high school students testify to the significance of these problems. The high availability of cigarettes, alcohol and inhalants for students should not be overlooked. The relative accessibility for adolescents of new types of drugs - smoking mixtures - should also cause concern. A large-scale study in the Moskovsky and Pervomaisky districts in 2021 made it possible to monitor the habits of 15-16-year-old students to use alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as well as compare the results with data from previous studies.
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